Tuesday, March 17, 2009

ABC Wednesday: I is for coney Island

Don't ask me who the couple is. I don't know. Personally I don't care much for PDA.


Unknown said...

What a very fun series. I like a hug once in a while : ). Life is short! If the mood strikes and you are in public, well, knock yourself out : ).

Sylvia K said...

Great photos for "I"! Thanks for sharing!

Mara said...

The couple does add something to the photo, even if you don't know who they are.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that first photo! If you photoshop that slightly blurry seagull out, the one that's on the ground, the composition would be perfect. It's so romantic! *Sigh* ...

I've never been to Coney Island. Maybe one day.

Tumblewords: said...

Great photos! I do agree with you about pda, however. But clams, beer and ice cream would be hard to beat on a warmish day.

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