Wednesday, January 2, 2008

X is for X-Mas (CHRISTmas) at Hearst Castle

I couldn't think of any x words, so this was the best I could come up with.
Hearst Castle, California Near Highway 1 and the Coast


Happyone said...

Someone else had Xmas too.
It's a good idea!
X is a hard one and it's been fun seeing what everyone has come up with. :-)

mrsnesbitt said...

YES! X was a real challenge.

Neva said...

Great "X" and I did not have you on my are there now!!The fireplace mantle looks lovely in this photo....and it looks big enough to walk into!

bonnie said...

I'll bet that was beautiful to see.

DigitalShutterMania said...

Your thought like mine. It's very hard to think of any words beginning from X. This is very nice shot.


AVCr8teur said...

I've never been to Hearst Castle even though it's only a few hours drive away. Looks like quite a few people were at the tour.

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